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Summer School Lunch Program

AD25 Chu Be a part of the Summer School Lunch Program! jpg

Now that school is out, all kids ages 1 to 18 are invited to enjoy free lunches through the Summer Food Service Program. No applications are necessary, and all children and teens are welcome. 

The Summer Food Service Program makes sure children have access to healthy food during the months when they can’t eat at school. The program is welcoming and accessible, with meals served at playgrounds, campuses open for summer school and community centers. Your local site might be offering additional fun activities, games, arts and crafts, and other resources. 

This program is meeting a real need in our communities. 

Approximately one in five kids in CA has limited/uncertain access to nutritious food. Those who are hungry are more likely to be in poor health and experience other social and learning difficulties. Summer meal programs, along with positive enrichment activities, help ensure kids return to school healthy and ready for the coming year. 

For more program information, contact my office at (408) 277-1220.