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2023 - 2024 Legislation

Introduced in 2024

AB 1993 – Expanding Residential Care Facilities for Elderly (RCFE): Allows small RCFE homes to serve up to eight individuals which will unlock homes for thousands of residents, providing both housing and care for the state’s aging population.

AB 2065 – RJA Criminal Justice Data: Improves access to critical data that would aid individuals seeking relief under the Racial Justice Act (RJA) and requires law enforcement agencies to share probation and police reports with attorneys investigating an RJA claim.

AB 2133 – Expanding Access to Cat Neuter Services: Increases cat neuter availability by allowing registered veterinary technicians to perform cat neuters under the direct supervision of a veterinarian.

AB 2168 – Victimless Misdemeanors: Requires a court to dismiss victimless low-level misdemeanors against individuals already sentenced to state prison but who are still being held in county jail because of an open misdemeanor case.

AB 2200 – California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act: Begins the process of creating a universal single-payer system of health care for every California resident.

AB 2288 – PAGA Injunctive Relief: Builds upon PAGA’s role as a vital tool to enforce workers’ rights and strengthens its impact by allowing courts to order injunctive relief in a Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) claim.

AB 2347 – Eviction Default Judgements: Prevents default judgments that evict a tenant based on improper service of summons by requiring landlords to file proof of service with the court and providing tenants with a meaningful amount of time to respond.

AB 2398 – CSU Audits: Increases transparency by requiring each California State University (CSU) campus to undergo an external audit by January 1, 2028. 

AB 2441 – Ending Mandatory Police Referrals in Schools: Eliminates the mandate on educators to notify law enforcement of certain student behavior and removes criminal penalties for students enrolled in the school district for “willful disturbance” of a public school or meeting.

AB 2509 – IPM Definition: Codifies definitions of “integrated pest management” (IPM) and “invasive species”, and requires the Invasive Species Council of California to prioritize principals of IPM in all of its activities.

AB 2602 – Digital Replicas and Performer Rights: Protects a performer’s right to their digital self by requiring informed consent and proper representation in executing a contract for any transfer of rights of that individual’s likeness or voice.

AB 2640 – Compassionate Learning Advancement for Science Students (CLASS) Act: Empowers students by informing them via written notice of their right to opt out of animal dissection.

AB 2682 – Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (OSA): Amends OSA’s Enabling Act to align them with similar jurisdictions and help facilitate OSA’s mission to conserve the natural environment, support sustainable agriculture, and connect people to nature.

AB 2773 – Justice for Elder Abuse Victims: Increases access to justice for elderly and dependent adults who are physically abused and neglected in nursing homes and discourages facilities from intentionally destroying or concealing (spoliation) evidence in relation to a civil case.

AB 2800 – Justice for Elder Abuse Victims: Aligns the standard of proof for elder and dependent adult abuse and neglect claims to that of most other civil actions, creating a fairer process for injured seniors and their families to seek justice.

AB 2812 – Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Contracting Thresholds: Modifies the bidding thresholds VTA uses to procure supplies, materials, or equipment, allowing VTA to lessen the administrative burden and costs of procuring routine, non-construction items.

AB 2926 – Affordable Housing Preservation: Preserves existing affordable housing and protects low-income tenants from being displaced by requiring owners who receive a bona fide purchase offer from a preservation buyer to either accept the offer or re-restrict the property as affordable housing.

AB 3021 – Interrogation Practices: Empowers the family members of victims of police violence to exercise their rights in interactions with law enforcement when they are at their most vulnerable.

AB 3053 – Junior Livestock Exhibits: Allows participants in junior livestock exhibitions to withdraw their animals from the exhibit and allows buyers of junior livestock exhibit animals to choose to pick up their animals alive.

AB 3122 – Objective Planning Standards: Provides flexibility for a developer to better respond to market needs or take advantage of recent changes in the state density bonus law.

Introduced in 2023

AB 57 – California Pocket Forests Initiative: Creates the California Pocket Forest Initiative, a pilot program that would authorize CAL FIRE to provide demonstration grants for pocket forests to public and nonprofit entities. Pocket forests offer urban communities access to healthy, self-sustaining natural green areas.

AB 58 – Young Adult Deferred Entry (YADEJ) Program: Extends YADEJ until January 1, 2026, allowing pilot counties to continue offering young adults from 18-25 who have committed a non-violent felony to voluntarily enter into a program that will offer age-appropriate services in the juvenile system.

AB 96 – Transit Workers: Requires transit agencies to notify the unions of their intent to procure autonomous driving technology and collectively bargain over its implementation.

AB 261 – State Mushroom: Designates the California Golden Chanterelle (Cantharellus californicus) as the official state mushroom.

AB 471 – Cannabis Catering License: Authorizes the Department of Cannabis Control to issue cannabis catering licenses to allow licensees to serve cannabis or cannabis products at private events to promote safer, more controlled environments for cannabis consumption.

AB 486 – Nursing Home Citation Appeals: Improves the citation appeals process for the most serious violations that involve harm or death of a nursing home resident to hold negligent facilities accountable.

AB 522 – Administrative Subpoenas: Requires communication providers to notify customers when their records are subpoenaed to give the consumer an opportunity to seek judicial review as is their constitutional right.

AB 607 – Course Materials Cost Transparency: Increases cost transparency of course materials for CCC, CSU, and UC students.

AB 636 – California Legal Rights Disclosure Act for H-2A Visa Farm Workers: Requires employers of H-2A visa workers to provide written notice of specified state employment rights to H-2A farmworkers on their first day of work in the state.

AB 770 – Expansion for Residential Care Facilities for Elderly (RCFE): Allows RCFEs to expand the number of residents they serve which will provide desperately needed housing for an estimated 6,000 additional residents in existing RCFEs and spur new RCFE production statewide.

AB 943 – Breaking Down the Other Act: Creates greater data transparency by requiring the California Department of Corrections (CDCR) to publish disaggregated prison data on ethnicity with separate categories for the major Asian and Pacific Islander groups and Indigenous people.

AB 1082 – Ending Poverty Tows: Prohibits “poverty tows” when a vehicle is towed as a debt collection mechanism due to unpaid parking tickets, disproportionately harming low-income individuals.

AB 1118 – California Racial Justice Act Claims: Makes technical and clarifying changes to the procedures for raising claims under the Racial Justice Act (RJA) to ensure the most efficient processes are used.

AB 1210 – Sodium Nitrite Labeling: Requires sodium nitrite at a purity of 10% or greater to be labeled as fatal if ingested and provides information about intravenous methylene blue, the recommended treatment. If sodium nitrite is shipped, its shipping package must have a warning label.

AB 1266 – Bench Warrants: Addresses the disparate punishment of low-income people by prohibiting the issuance of a bench warrant if the underlying charge is an infraction, ensuring minor citations that are only subject to a fine do not unfairly turn into jail time.

AB 1414 – Prohibiting Common Counts: Protects consumers against predatory debt collection lawsuits by requiring debt collectors to produce and sue on a contract rather than “common counts.”

AB 1469 – Valley Water – Assisting Unsheltered People: Amends the Santa Clara Valley Water District Act to expand its statutory purposes and allow resources to be used for outreach, counseling, transitional housing, or other services for unsheltered people living on public lands and along waterways within Santa Clara County.

AB 1516 – Minimum Wage Working Group: Requires the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to convene a working group to study and report back to the Legislature on raising the minimum wage and ending the sub-minimum wage for incarcerated workers.

AB 1581 – Lake and Streambed Restoration Streamlining: Streamlines critical habitat restoration projects by allowing activities permitted under the “Restoration Management Permit” (RMP) to proceed without acquiring a Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (LSAA).

AB 1649 – Santa Clara County – Change Orders: Increases change order thresholds for the County of Santa Clara until January 1, 2027 to allow the County to avoid possible delays on large, time-sensitive projects.

AB 1726 – Vacatur Relief: Clarifies and ensures non-citizens are eligible for expungement relief as afforded to others in existing law.