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Press Releases

Assemblymember Ash Kalra Named Chair of Labor Committee

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Ash Kalra (D-San Jose) was named Chair of the Assembly Committee on Labor and Employment Committee for the 2019-20 legislative session by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood).

Governor Signs Timely Bill Authored by Assemblymember Ash Kalra, Paving Way for California to Become First State in Nation to Allow Veterinarians to Discuss Medical Cannabis for Pets

SACRAMENTO – Governor Jerry Brown has signed into law a bill authored by Assemblymember Ash Kalra (D-San Jose), Assembly Bill (AB) 2215, which will allow veterinarians to discuss the use of medicinal cannabis for their animal patients in their licensed practice, making California the first state in the country to give veterinarians the protection they need to answer questions about using medical cannabis for pets. AB 2215 also requires the California Veterinary Medical Board to adopt guidelines that veterinarians may use to follow in discussing medicinal cannabis on an animal within the veterinarian-client-patient relationship.

Assemblymember Ash Kalra Commends California Supreme Court Ruling on Predatory Lending

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Ash Kalra commends the California Supreme Court’s ruling in De La Torre v. CashCall finding that high-interest rates on loans above $2,500 are “unconscionable.” Over the past two years Assemblymember Kalra has been leading the effort to place reasonable interest rate caps on high dollar consumer loans over $2,500.

“I applaud the California State Supreme Court for doing what the Legislature could not; finding that high-interest rate loans are unacceptable.” Assemblymember Kalra goes on to say, “This ruling is a significant step forward, however, it remains the responsibility of the Legislature to put in place sound and reasonable financial protections for consumers who need a loan when faced with stressful financial circumstances.”