SAN JOSE, Calif. – Assemblymember Ash Kalra (D-San Jose) released a statement today announcing a weekly food delivery campaign to support healthcare workers and staff during the COVID-19 crisis:
“Today, I am starting Falafel Fridays and personally contributing to weekly food deliveries to our frontline healthcare workers. I encourage others to think about how you can provide any kind of food any day of the week to a hospital near you, whether it’s through Falafel Fridays or through your own version of this giving campaign. During these challenging times, we are stronger when we are united and what better way to stay connected with each other than committing to a common goal; we can all do our part by giving back to those working countless hours to keep our communities safe during this crisis.”
Before delivering any food, be sure to contact your local hospital first and do not show up with food at any hospital unannounced. Anyone who is interested in contributing to public hospitals in Santa Clara County can contact the Valley Medical Center Foundation in San Jose by calling (408) 885-5299 or emailing vmcfoundation@hhs.sccgov.org, or by visiting https://vmcfoundation.org/covid19/ for more information.